A normal workday for many people with desk occupations entails spending a whopping eight hours or more seated at a desk. If you’re one of the many people who work, you might spend even more time at your desk. Exercise is crucial for preventing cardiovascular problems both now and in the future. Regular physical activity is important for your heart for several reasons, the primary one being that it lessens the strain on your heart.
Exercise also reduces stress hormones that might damage your heart, lowers blood sugar, boosts mood, reduces body fat, and reduces dangerous inflammation in the body. All of these advantages contribute significantly to maintaining normal functioning and lowering your risk of heart disease.
Simple stretches increase flexibility, which is good for your musculoskeletal system and makes it easier to do and recover from heart-healthy exercises. Moreover, stretching can lower your chance of injury when exercising and aid in balance maintenance. Preferably, you should stretch before and after every workout.
Swiftly Moving
The fact that walking is practical, low-impact, simple to perform with companions, equipment-free, and essentially free makes it the heart’s friendliest workout. All you need is a secure place to stroll and a supportive pair of walking shoes (indoors or outdoors). You don’t need to spend a lot of time walking if you want to prevent heart disease.
Workout at a High Intensity
Interval training is the most popular type of high-intensity exercise, and it involves alternating between periods of strenuous, heart-pounding effort and recovery. For illustration, you might perform 30 seconds of vigorous exercise (for example, jumping jacks, heavy cycling, sprints, or jumping rope), then take one or two minutes to rest or recover (marching in place, slow walking, active stretching, light cycling). Repeat this process for the rest of the workout.
Leg Lifts
You can get an excellent workout while seated by performing leg lifts. Face forward when sitting erect in your desk chair. Hold your legs straight for 10 seconds with your feet parallel to the floor, then do it again.
Chair Squats
Your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles will all benefit from this workout. Your lower body is the goal of this exercise. Get out of your chair and move a few steps forward to accomplish it. Straighten your torso, keep your weight on your heels, and then sag back down until you are about to sit. Repeat the exercise once you are back up on your feet.
Jumping Jacks
Exercises like these and other aerobic activities help to improve circulation. Regular use of these can also aid in lowering blood pressure. To begin, stand up with your feet planted closely together and your arms at your sides. Next, rapidly form an inverted V with your legs by raising both arms overhead and springing both of your feet out to the sides. Restart by leaping back into the starting position. Do at least 30 jumping jacks.
Your abdominals, lower back, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves are all worked out during this workout. Choose a location near your desk that gives you room to move around for this exercise. Starting from a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, take a slow, left-leg forward step while bending your left knee to a 90-degree angle. After that, carefully raise your left leg to meet your right foot in a standing posture. On the right side, repeat. Do 5 to 15 repetitions, then switch legs.
Bench push-ups
Your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core are worked during this workout. To begin with, confirm that your workstation is strong enough to support your weight. After then, stand back a bit and place both of your palms shoulder-width apart on the front of your desk. Pushing yourself up after lowering yourself towards your desk.
A word from the doctor:
Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to maintain the health of your heart and lower your chance of developing heart disease in addition to keeping active.
- Keep a healthy diet
- Move more and sit less
- Keep a healthy weight
- Keep an eye on your blood pressure and much more.
So, get started by contacting us right away!