Discover the greatness that lies inside you by
discovering the power of sleep
discovering the power of sleep
The modernity of times today has severely affected the sleep patterns of nearly 30% of the population. Sleep is considered the most ignored lifestyle habit out there. Every 10 in 20 people in America has insomnia. It is recommended to get at least 8 hours of sleep to maintain optimal health and wellness. Sleep is as vital as a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Sleep promotes concentration and cognitive awareness and improves productivity. Not only that, but a healthy amount of relaxing naps is also proven to maintain proper blood pressure. When we sleep, our body gets sufficient rest to heal itself and regulate normal blood pressure, hence reducing the chances of cardiovascular diseases. Sleeping is extremely helpful in reducing stress and depression as it helps the mind relax for a while and sets the thoughts straight. Sleep deprivation is also a mainstream contributor to gastric diseases, which lead to heart diseases. So, it is recommended to get an apt amount of sleep to avoid health imparities.
Set up a healthy sleeping pattern to enhance your overall health. Reckon including REM sleeping technique in your sleep cycle. Light sleep helps get refreshment during a hectic day.
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Tips for Developing a Healthy Sleeping Pattern
Here are some tips for you to advance an apt sleeping schedule for better overall health:
- 1. Limit your caffeine and nicotine intake. Caffeine and nicotine release stimulants that manipulate your sleeping pattern. Regular use of these bracers might lead to restless sleep or even insomnia.
- 2. Get adequate exercise. Make sure to get your blood flow going well and your muscles moving properly.
- 3. Keep a healthy diet routine. Do not take your meals right before bedtime. Eating immediately before going to sleep can cause gastric problems in your intestines. So, avoid sleeping right after a meal.
- 4. Avoid alcohol consumption. Alcohol might tend to slow down the brain’s activity, but it can also cause your brain to develop sleeplessness.
- 5. Limit your day naps. Keep your day naps short and refreshing enough to help you go through the day. This will help you get ample sleep during the nighttime.
- 6. Set a consistent sleeping schedule and follow up with it. Go to bed at the same time you leave the bed in the morning.

Do you wish to fix your sleeping pattern and wake up refreshed and ready for the day?
Suave Concierge is at your service. Our health education program will help you set up a proper plan to catch up on some ZZZs!